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Siobhan Marie

Why do I keep bringing it up ad-nauseam? Well here’s why: resistance has everything to do with everything. It IS a pattern in your life that you are personally unable to recognize in yourself. It’s the way it is folks—for the whole human race.

We all generally want our lives to be better in one way or another; that’s just the way we’re built. And we all pretty much struggle with the up-level piece of that. Some manage better than others, but that’s often due to someone having enough humility to know they need, and ask for, some kind of support. Be it a mentor, some friends or colleagues, or a professional, they’re willing to recognize that they lack the awareness to catch themselves when their patterns that get in the way, kick in.

Then there are those who know they’re stuck in a pattern but can’t see the forrest for the trees, try as they may—to include the vast majority of humanity. And this is for you.

I’ve written here before, “ The way you do anything is the way you do everything” which I know sounds a little obscure. So what do I mean by that? A great example is when you take shortcuts in work you’ve committed to do around a change you want to make. You don’t do all of the tasks required because, you’ve already “got this.” Or you turn to food, sex, alcohol/drugs, shopping, relieve anxiety. Or you quit jobs without having another one, or you bounce from one project to another, one relationship to another, etc...

Those, “things” aren’t necessarily problematic in and of themselves. The problem is the deeply ingrained patterns you’ve established due to fear of actually changing. Yep, it’s all about fear that you’ve covered pretty resourcefully and powerfully. At this point in life the patterns are so deeply ingrained that you truly can’t see them. The biggies like addiction of any kind, you at least have a clue about because of the consequences. But the actual underlying resistance pattern is very hard to see—for all people.

And the thing is, it’s about the beliefs and fears three layers deep in your thought patterns. What you don’t recognize is that this pattern is your go to in every area of your life, thus, the way you do anything is the way you do everything. You simply don’t have the deep awareness of your autopilot. Unless you do the deep work.

This is why I love what I do. Because inevitably, the deep work I do as a coach involves dealing with resistance with love and deep understanding. Doing the deep work of up-leveling your life is only going to be effective if you deal with your shadow-self—the self you deny. And in order to do this work you need to be lovingly held in a safe container of trust, otherwise the change will, once again, not stick.

So you now have a glimpse of why it’s so hard to actually be the person you’d like to be—the part of you that you know is there but you can’t seem to grab hold of. Maybe you simply don’t believe you can get there.

Once you understand these patterns of resistance in yourself and you recognize that it’s simply a part of your psyche that will always require attention, now you have the depth of sacred wisdom you need to begin a very fulfilling journey to your real self, and your real self wants to grow, expand, and up-level.

You begin to grasp how deeply you lived from a false conditioned self that kept you feeling like crap and kept you in a state of deprivation around self-love.

You are beautiful, unique, and the world needs you. You deserve to be here. You deserve to walk in your brand of genius, artfully and brilliantly. And you can handle your life with wisdom, self-love, and grace.

The Art of Sacred Wisdom by Siobhan

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